Tour USA

Discussion in 'Trips & Events' started by David Bennett, May 20, 2024.

  1. David Bennett

    David Bennett New Member

    United States
    May 20, 2024
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    Greenwood, IN
    Anyone ever considered/completed a Tour of the States like the team @ Wildbad Touring did about 7 years ago?

    This is something that I would definitely be interested in if anyone else thinks they would be up to it. I just absolutely loved watching those guys fly over from across the pond with their bikes to tour the US. That being said it would not be something that would be planned over night I would say it the least a year out if not two. I would like to contact those guys somehow and pick their brains a bit about the logistical struggles and hurdles they had to overcome to put all that together.

    Idk call me nuts but I just think that would be the coolest thing ever to be a part of and make a few good friends in the process. LMK if this is already being planned or has been done or whatever.
    mello dude likes this.

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