You May be a VFR Rider if ...

by L. Wilber


This article was originally posted to the VFR List and L. Wilber ('95 VFR) has graciously allowed me to post it here for others to enjoy. Anyway, as L. Wilber was saying ...
You may be a VFR rider if you've stopped looking for a better motorcycle because there ain't none.

You may be a VFR rider if women keep telling you how great your bike looks and they 're not coming on to you, they mean they really like the bike.

You may be a VFR rider if your wife doesn't like the way your bike looks.

You may be a VFR rider if you routinely take your wife up to the lake after dinner to watch the sunset and the lake is 100 miles away.

You may be a VFR rider if your bike has saved your skin more times than you can remember.

You may be a VFR rider if your bike's got 100,000 miles on it and you need to make up a excuse to buy a new one.

You may be a VFR rider if you read the VFR list at least twice a day.

You may be a VFR rider if you ordered a VFR T-shirt off the list.

You may be a VFR rider if you also sent your check to Jeff for your T-shirt.

You may be a VFR rider if you are wearing your shirt to church this morning.

You may be a VFR rider if you hate to start your bike up in a parking garage because you have to sit there for at least five minutes just listening to that rumble echo off the walls and vibrate the concrete.

You may be a VFR rider if your commute to work has increased by 40 miles since you got your bike and that's just for the morning commute.

You may be a VFR rider if you feel left out of the conversation when bikers are talking about how they were able to fix their bike on the road side with only a pair of pliers.

You may be a VFR rider if your bike never breaks down.

You may be a VFR rider if the police pull you over just to look at your bike.

You may be a VFR rider if the police pull you over so they can ride your bike.

You may be a VFR rider if the police can't pull you over because they're a blur in the rear view mirrors.

You may be a VFR rider if the police can pull everyone else over because the motorcycle cops are now riding the same type of bike as you.

You may be a VFR rider if you have a full set of leathers with armor so if you crash you can get back up and get you bike off the road before a cage rolls over it.

You may be a VFR rider if you have a full set of leathers with armor so you can throw yourself under your bike if it starts to fall over.

You may be a VFR rider if you have to take no-doze when you ride because your bike's too comfortable.

You may be a VFR rider if you have the top score in your advanced motorcycle safety course.

You may be a VFR rider if you can add to this list.

And of course other VFR riders added these comments.

You may be a VFR rider if
... You make your VFR your sole heir to your estate.
... You buy your bike more gifts than your wife.
... You tolerate your bike more than your wife.
... You have to force yourself to take time from riding to wash bugs and road grime from your bike

Technical Corner | Main Garage
